Horizon Wood Fireplace

Horizon Wood Fireplace by Osburn

Horizon Wood Fireplace

Fuel type: Dry cordwood

Recommended heating area: 1000 – 2800 square feet

Maximum heat output: 95,000 BTU/h (27.8 kW)

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12702 Ali Ghan Rd NE
Cumberland, MD 21502

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(301) 722-0043


Beyond the Size!
The Horizon Wood Fireplace offers peace of mind due to the combination of energy efficiency and clean heating. A simple solution, its clean design suits any type of decor.

Large fireplace. Behind its large glass door, the 4.28 cubic foot combustion chamber can hold an impressive 60 lbs of wood.

Low emissions. This energy efficient fireplace complies with the EPA’s clean-air standards (only 1.6 g/hr of emissions) in particular through the intelligent air control mechanism is a patented design that optimizes combustion quality.

High efficiency. The Horizon fireplace is capable of heating large spaces and burns for 10 hours.

Specs & Manual

Download the operation manual here.

Fuel type : Dry cordwood
Recommended heating area-ft² : 1,000 – 2,800
Overall firebox volume-ft³ : 4.28
EPA loading volume-ft³ : 4.28
Maximum burn time : 11 h
Maximum heat output-dry cordwood : 95,000 BTU/h (27.8 kW)
Overall heat output rate < : 16,610 BTU/h (4.9 kW) to 43,021 BTU/h (12.6 kW)
Average overall efficiency (EPA cribs/Douglas fir) : N.A. (HHV) N.A. (LHV)
Average overall efficiency (dry cordwood) : 63.9 % (HHV) 68.4 % (LHV)
Optimum efficiency : 69.7 %
Optimum heat transfer efficiency : 69 %
Average particulate emissions rate : 1.6 g/h
Average CO : 157.4 g/h

Additional Photo

Horizon Wood Fireplace by Osburn 1